On the brink of financial ruin, Lowen Ashleigh, a struggling writer, accepts a job opportunity of a lifetime. Hired by Jeremy Crawford, husband of the best-selling author Verity Crawford, to complete the sequels of the book series Verity is unable to complete due to injury. STORYLINE DEVELOPMENT Moving into Jeremy's house, Lowen finds years of records of outlines of the series. Searching into the piles of papers she finds an incomplete manuscript, an autobiography of Verity. With the intention of not letting anyone read or even know about the manuscript, it was kept hidden. Filled with fierce admissions of Verity about her detestation towards her own daughter, and courses of events to murder her own daughter. Lowen, scared that the manuscript will be leaked to Jeremy, stows away the autobiography each time after reading. Lowen, in the middle of the manuscript, suspects that Verity is not injured and acting up, tries to maintain a distance from Verity. Entering ...
Creating my own small library of summaries and micro-reviews