"Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley is an iconic masterpiece that takes readers on a dark and introspective journey, exploring the depths of human ambition and the harrowing consequences of playing with the power of creation. Through a captivating storyline, Shelley weaves a haunting tale that delves into the complexities of identity, morality, and the destructive forces that lie within us all. Plot The novel follows the brilliant scientist Victor Frankenstein, whose insatiable thirst for knowledge leads him to embark on a dangerous and forbidden experiment. Driven by his ambition to unlock the secrets of life and death, Victor succeeds in creating a grotesque and tormented creature. However, upon beholding his creation, he is consumed by horror and abandons his monstrous progeny, setting in motion a chain of events that will haunt him forever. As the storyline unfolds, Shelley masterfully explores the profound consequences of Victor's actions. The creature, rejected by its cr...
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