Lily, after presenting a eulogy at her own father's funeral, with whom she shared a salty relationship, is sitting on the verge of a twelve-story roof, thinking nothing but about suicide. Not expecting anyone to disturb her, a man is climbing up the stairs. Raged with fury, the man starts to kick a chair lying on the roof repeatedly. Lily, not amused by such intrusion of her peace is irritated. PLOT After examing the man she starts to question him about his anger. During the conversation, Lily opened up and told about her father, who was very abusive, not to her but towards her mother, and much she hated him. Indulging in further converse they both start exchanging thoughts. Wherein, it is revealed that they both share completely different opinions about dating and relationships. Rlye Kincaid, the man, has a "no dating" rule, to which Lily is contradicting. Receiving an important phone call, Ryle left just after snapping a picture of Lily. With a dream of owning a fl...
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